What is EasyClus?
EasyClus is a software tool to help you to get organized results of your flowcytometric data (data input in .fcs, .cyz .csv format). EasyClus runs in the basic version Matlab®. It will save you a lot of time. EasyClus users will get help from the developer to extract the data they need.
Why EasyClus is recommended for your flowcytometers?
- To organize – cluster your particles/cell/algae data quickly into groups
- To build libraries/ database and classify particles on basis of this database
- To calculate counts, concentrations, mean/median lengths, biomass, biovolume
- To standardize your data
- To visualize your data
- To check the instrument performance (only CytoSense-Sub)
- To process in real time your analysis data & upload to a live website
- To perform image analysis on images
- To SAVE you a lot of time
Look at this introduction video of EasyClus in combination with a CytoSense (CytoBuoy BV) flowcytometer
Interested? See this brochure. You are invited to send your cytometric data file and a description of what you need to me (by wetransfer).
See also Thomas Rutten Projects and PhytoplanktonLIVE.com
More pages, examples, videos of EasyClus & EasyClus LIVE and software for FRRf will be added to this website soon.